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The Genesis Trust

“The Genesis Trust”: a gripping tale of power and God’s will. “The Genesis Trust” is the creation of published author Wayne Runde, a physician and veteran US Navy commander.

The Genesis Trust


“The Genesis Trust” from Christian Faith Publishing author Wayne Runde is a fast- paced fiction that presents a compelling battle for the future of the world as a secret society tries to defeat a group of dangerous scientists.


Runde shares, “In the three centuries since Galileo, science steadily advanced. In the early twentieth century, science and technology were the undisputed champions of everyday life. Now the pride of scientists was causing science to fail. Clemens Gerhardt, a distinguished scientist and member of the National Academy of Sciences, saw where this pride led. As science failed, it would lead to worsening conditions and eventually to another Dark Age. Untold millions would die of starvation and disease. Like Galileo before him, he was ostracized by the elitist scientists as a heretic. 

To preserve science and continue its advance, Gerhardt and the American president gathered like-minded scientists to preserve and promote science. They were hidden away on the island of Atlantis where the Genesis Trust was established as a rebirth of the scientific method. No explanations of nature were discarded, even if it went contrary to scientists in the rest of the world.

“Soon the Trust found itself embroiled in events in the rest of the world. The nascent Atlantans aided the United States in its darkest hour. But a short time later, the Trust was pitted against the prideful scientists in America as well as a rebellion at home. Their challenge was to defeat the US military abroad and quell unrest at home-all without unnecessary violence and without revealing their existence to the world.”

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